Featured Artists — Anne M. Kennedy and Traci L. Walter — April 30 to July 2, 2023

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A collaboration of works using mediums from the earth and finished with fire.

Anne M. Kennedy, Encaustic Artist
“My career as a Cytologist was defined by looking for the smallest changes in human cells, which was my art for many years. I now work in various media, but have found my true artistic calling with encaustics, a natural medium. Being a beekeeper, I use the wax from my bees mixed with the resin of trees and pure earth pigments to make my ‘paints’. The sensuality of melted wax, the luscious colors, the feel of working with this difficult but forgiving medium has found a forever place in my heart. Excitement abounds when I view a blank substrate and plan my embellishment with this timeless medium. I am exploring the old and always looking to the future.” More info:  AKennedyart.com.
Traci L. Walter, Potter

“From my home studio on the salt marsh, inspiration surrounds me and influences my art. After many years as a painter, I found my passion for having my hands in wet clay, turning on the wheel, producing a form that expresses beauty and purpose. Clay has become my medium and canvas. Using my hands to create functional pottery feeds my soul as I aim to bring my view of nature to each piece. Tranquil wading birds are carefully hand carved onto the leather hard surface of the clay; handmade stamps, tools, and found objects add texture to the surface. Pieces must dry slowly and naturally before first low firing in my kiln that readies the clay for glazing. A palette of food safe glazes and colored slip are carefully brushed on before the final firing. Intense heat produced during high firing strengthens the clay, melts the glaze, moving it over the surface, in and out of texture, where new colors emerge, unknown until I lift the kiln lid after cooling. Each handmade piece, unique and one-of-a-kind, becomes functional stoneware, safe for food, oven, microwave, and dishwasher.” More info: @JollyPigPottery

Come meet the artists at a reception on Friday, May 5, 2023, from 5-8pm at the Gallery of the Beaufort Art Association, 913 Bay Street, downtown Beaufort, under the black awning.