July 2022 Newsletter

Dear BAA Members

The new Board feels it is of utmost importance to keep you, all members, up to date with whatever goes on in our beloved organization, so we have been appointed to send you a monthly newsletter!!

Some of you know me, (maybe too well!), as I’ve been around “forever” but with many of you I have not had the pleasure. I have been a member since the early 90’s and have held most jobs within the organization, so that’s my introduction and qualification!

Some of you may know Karen Richards as well. New to South Carolina, she moved to our area last August and immediately joined BAA. A former art teacher, she brings her experience as an artist with some computer skills to our group.

Below is our first newsletter!! Read on!!

Till next time! Yours truly,

Hetty Nijman



  • Recent Events – BAA Annual July Meeting and Luncheon

  • BAA Board News

  • Letter from the president

  • Current Events – Featured Artist Spotlight – July & August

  • Upcoming Events

  • Member Opportunities


Recent Events

Incoming Treasurer Tricia Gardner submitted financial reports and pointed out that our current bank balance is about $25K, which is $5K more than the same time last year, despite COVID and our renovation expenses. In other words, we are in satisfactory shape.

Frank Gorman thanked the outgoing Board for their time and work during the past difficult times and called for a membership vote on the slate of new Board Members. A motion was made, seconded and carried.

Director Jacqueline Jones presented a bouquet of flowers to Renee Levin, in honor of her standing as a Founding Member of our organization!

Throughout it all a good time was had by all, in a beautiful place, surrounded by friends and good food! We missed all of you who were unable to come this time but are hopeful and confident that we will be able to have more gatherings and build back our artistic connections and friendships!


BAA Board News

The BAA Bord members are currently working on updating the bylaws, designing new simplified sales procedures and updating the Website.

The board expects to have updated information on these three areas very soon – in the meantime here’s a letter from our new president, Frank Gorman.

From the President

Any successful organization has goals, which our Board is assembling, and accomplishing goals through our members. I hope all members realize that we need to participate by volunteering, if we wish to accomplish those purposes and goals. A small effort by each member will provide a great volunteer effort by the organization overall.

Some goals for the year 2022-2023…

Improve member communication, meet together more often

Develop the website to be a vibrant information source

Simplify our sales procedure for staffers so they aren’t intimidated

Make the gallery a “happening place;” a place of dynamic arts, and sell more artwork

Plan a great Holiday Show and Spring Show to draw visitors and members

Help members become better artists through education and social interaction

Serve our Beaufort community by reaching out to educational institutions

Stabilize/improve financial solvency by controlling expenses and increasing income

Confirm the Bylaws; understand our structure, get unanimity on changes

Welcome to the BAA you know well, and will be proud to see grow!

Frank Gorman, President, Beaufort Art Association


Current Events

Artist Spotlight

John Meckly moved to Bluffton, SC, in 2019. Taking in the impressive scenery one day, while driving across a bridge with a light rain falling and the sun still shining he noticed a flock of egrets in flight across the marsh and thought God was giving him a sign. Since then, egrets in flight have been his focus. John limits his palette to warm, earthy tones and believes his subjects portray a sense of serenity and peacefulness.




FIRST FRIDAY – August 5th – Join Us !



Plan now for our next change of show August 29th, 22



BAA Member Opportunities

Would you like to get more involved in the workings of BAA, meet fellow artists, participate in events?

Check this space in the future for upcoming happenings & events, education opportunities, committees looking for volunteers, and more.

We’ll let you know dates, times and who to contact.


Have some News for our next Newsletter?

Contact Hetty at hettypnijman@gmail.com

or Karen at karenrichardsart@gmail.com

by August 15th.